Are we getting Quality of education or only quantity?
Quantity or quality
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Quality |
The education we are getting is knowledge based or quantity based? Are we getting the quantity of education or only the quantity? We need to analyse deeply, we need to have dig into it.
According to my knowledge we are only getting the quantity of education. Our system lacks education in quality.
However we are bound with the facts that if our percentile is less then we can’t survive, but the story behind getting highest is mug-up the quantity of what we have mugged it. The more we mug up the more chances of highest marks. Here am not judging the IQ or knowledge of students, in fact we have the extremely talented students ever. No doubt about that.
Am talking about the education we get, am talking about the environment we are getting to acquire knowledge, we don’t have any exposure towards the ongoing things outside the class, school, college, region, state, country and world and so on.
In other country they don’t have tests or exams until they reach to their higher primary level (class 5). They will just teach by their teacher about how to behave? How to tackle real life problems?
How to get rid of the real life situation? How he/she can get exposure to the real world? And they will most importantly try to build the confidence and self- esteem, which is now a days very important in which we lag-off.
We even have one subject called value education, it teaches us the behavioural pattern and the values and ethics with that we do have many a subject and exams and grades, we will be warned by the words like if u get good marks and good grades you will be promoted to the higher level, if you fail to this you will be continued with the same class as considered failure, and that particular student will go to some lower sections like c or d, which even lowers the confidence and the interest of the students in studies.
They will be treated as prisoners who are dull, not eligible or not capable to sit with other intelligent students. But with my experience those are the students who will achieve something or anything in future. But with that situation some will go in depression, they do undergo the teasing of their classmates or other students, and the scolding and stricter teacher and parents. This may lead some very critical problems and mental issues, the student has to fight with themselves to come out from the depression, it’s horrible.
The students in private institute are treated as factory workers where they need to do homework, classwork, handwork and hard work, even after doing that also they can’t be able to tackle or face the exams which the institute itself will decide and they will be provided a manual for the exams which is a short notes and covers all the syllabus, if you do that you will clear the exam. Awesome, isn’t it?
This is how the students getting spoiled by giving spoon feeding activities, which might affect in future. They will be trained as the horses, who just see what the rider want to show or what the rider what it to see? It just follows the instructions given by the rider, not what it wants to see, It really doesn’t know anything like where it is going and where to stop? It just has no idea; in the same way, our students are, they will be controlled and instructed by the teachers and parents.
These private institute and public institutes will insure at the initial step when the student is getting admitted, that they will provide all the facilities like stationary, cloths, transport facility, and extra classes like tuitions etc. but by charging extra, this shows they are making education as business.
With all this facility also he/she may fail. Because we need to have 100% knowledge base education, but the only focus of the institute is to grab money and students, the more the students the more the money comes.
If this is the situation of the institutes with the latest technology equipped and fulfilled with the resource, then what about the government schools and colleges? Where they lack in resources, place, no equipment, not much exposure to the reality, but they sometimes get topped. I mean to say is intelligent students with interest and curiosity to learn new things can learn anywhere without any resources and systematic way of study.
Small story:
Recently in some article and in news I have read that a village girl who is poor and does all her home-works and homeworks too has secured 1st grade but comparatively the urban girl/boy might not get good marks, but she has all the resources, materials and experts guidance high class teachings but she dint get through, why? What might be the reason? Was it because she was unable to meet the requirement like what she needed or how she needed to be prepared? Did she fail in preparation? Or did the teachers fail to prepare her? It’s all unclear.
There should be a standard and quality of education, the planned strategy and the dynamic ability of teachers where they need to mould with each and every student’s because teachers are the creators and the god for the students. The quality of education lacks in India as Charles Murray says in his Real Education.
Conclusion: Back to the Reality
We need to change the way the schools do business. We also need to redefine educational success.
My targets are not the usual suspects. I do not inveigh against high dropout rates, low test scores or obdurate teachers unions. My indictment is much broader. The education system is living a lie.
Comparison of Ancient Education with Modern Education
Ancient Education Vs Modern Education
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Ancient education |
Ancient education:
In ancient times, India had the Guru Kula system of education where anyone who wishes to study should have to go to a teacher's (Guru) house and had to request to be taught by a guru. If he/she accepted as a student (shishya) by the guru, he would then have to stay at the guru's place and help in all activities at home. This has not only created a strong bond between the guru and the shishya but also taught the student everything about running a house and most importantly facing the real problem in their real life.
The guru taught everything the child wanted to learn, from Sanskrit to the Holy Scriptures and from Mathematics to Metaphysics. The students have to stay as long as he/she wished to or until the guru felt that he had taught everything he could teach for taking the challenges everyday life. All the learnings were closely linked to nature and to life, and it is not only confined to memorizing some information or gaining the knowledge.
The modern school system came to India, including the English language too, originally first by the Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay in the 1830s. The curriculum was confined to modern subjects such as science and mathematics, and subjects like metaphysics and philosophy were considered unnecessary. Teaching was confined to classrooms and the link with nature was broken, as also the close relationship between the teacher and the student.
Establishment of Modern education
The Uttar Pradesh Board of High School and Intermediate Education was the first Board set up in India in the year 1921 with jurisdiction over Rajputana, Central India and Gwalior. In 1929, the Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Rajputana, was established. Later, boards were established in some of the states. But eventually, in the year 1929, the board was amended and it was renamed to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). All schools in Delhi and some other regions came under the Board. It was the function of the Board to decide on things like curriculum, textbooks and examination system for all schools affiliated to it. Today there are thousands of schools affiliated to the Board.
Universal and compulsory education for all children in the age group of 6-14 was a cherished dream of the new government of the Republic of India. This is evident from the fact that it is incorporated as a directive policy in article 45 of the Constitution. But this objective remains far away even more than half a century later. However, in the recent past, the government appears to have taken a serious note of this lapse and has made primary education a Fundamental Right of every Indian citizen. The pressures of economic growth and the acute scarcity of skilled and trained manpower must certainly have played a role to make the government take such a step. The expenditure by the Government of India on school education in recent years comes to around 3% of the GDP, which is recognised to be very low.
New schemes and development in Education in India
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Right to Education |
In recent times, several major announcements were made for developing the poor state of affairs in education sector in India, the most notable ones being the National Common Minimum Programme (NCMP) of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. The announcements are,
1. To progressively increase expenditure on education to around 6 percent of GDP
2. To support this increase in expenditure on education, and to increase the quality of education, there would be an imposition of an education cess of all central government taxes.
3. To ensure that no one is denied of education due to economic backwardness and poverty.
4. To make the right to education a fundamental right for all children in the age 6-14 years.
5. To universalize education through its flagship programmes such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Mid-Day Meal.
How important is the practical education rather than theoretical education?
Practical education vs Theoretical education
The insight of the topic.. continuation...
We know that education is the stepping stone for us to lead life. It is not only with the Academicals study but with that we need to take care of the real life study the practical study.
Now the academics or the today’s education is like the business they are making money by producing the students who can’t cope up with the competition and be failing to win their life’s battle. They are getting confused about choosing a career, what to choose? What is the right path for them to lead? DO you know our India is producing the largest number of engineers who are excited to start their career with enthusiasm, with courage but at some point they will get exhausted they lose their stamina, keep on complaining about the things, they are already caught up into a trap called bucket carrier?
We are bound with the fact with that if our percentile is less we can’t survive, but the story behind getting highest percentile is mug up. Here am not questioning the ability or the IQ of the students, in fact, we have the extremely talented students. No doubt about that. But we lack with the type of education we get, the quality.
Yes! You heard it right I am talking about the quality of education we have in India. In the other countries, they don’t have exams until we enter to class V which is primary level.They just teach them about the behaviour and to be ethical or how to be socialised, which our youth doesn’t know exactly. We do have a moral education but with that, we need to read many a thing which gets stuffed into our tiny brain. They just communicate with the people to whom they interact daily or only with the few people.
Let me share the 5 reasons of which we feel how important the practical education is
1. No need of mugging and memorising
No mugging or memorising |
Some people born talented who can memorise at a glance, but don't be a bookworm, think innovative and learn practicality which saves time with that you doesn't need to cram and stress your brain.
2. Develop a better understanding
Better understanding |
It improves the understandability of a person.When we only learn concepts we don't understand deeply, when we apply it in reality i.e practically, we definitely understand it better.
3. It improves skills
Skills |
It improves the skillset, when we do training exercising, innovating new things all the practical knowledge which can only be achieved with applying theory practically.
4. It is more interesting and easy
Study is Interesting |
When we do lab and experiments, how we get excited and interesting but when we listen to some history or some theory classes we do get bored. What I meant to say is, it makes us curious and interesting so as to understand it easily.
5. Can motivate teamwork
Teamwork motivates |
In a practice session or when we discuss with friends and teachers it would do wonders with giving insights with everyone's site. you will get the concept very thoroughly when u discuss.I do remember the previous day of the exam, it really would help you grasp the important points and you understand it truly at that time.
Importance of practical education over theoretical education.
What is the importance of practical education rather than the theoretical education?
Hey, People...!!!
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Education For Life |
Education..! Education..!! Education..!!! everywhere in everything.. in everyone… in a different way... Through a different means.
Everyone needs the education to survive, to lead a good life, to earn a good job and a good position.But what if? we didn't get a proper way of education?? it would be tragic.
As a student, I want to share some real and the more saddest part of our education system, we are in a digital world and the country and the world is progressing in a drastic way, but we still are in an old school syllabus, where we need to mug-up the whole syllabus, we need to memorize the whole information, just to pass, if and only if we need good grades in the exams.
But here I would like to tell what we are going through, Right from the starting of school, with a first teacher who we believe is a mother and till our college level, we are made to read and read only to get good grades. what about the knowledge? DO we lack? yes, we do lack in digging the valley of knowledge, but.. this we will be analysing and getting realised later at the stage of getting a job or leading further life, at that time we start feeling, oh..! I would have generalised the topics and the concepts when I got the chance.
But when we start realising, whatever we have had got to learn so far and have spent many years, those are just the basics things which helped us to go further. but at the same time, we need to know about the value of knowledge, we cannot mug it up, we need to earn it.
It happens only when the root cause of the teaching goes well.We need to change everyone's mind, of getting only good grades and the most fearful thought of examination.And we need to change the present education system, where we lack in practicality we do get only the theoretical knowledge, which really keeps us secular from the actual experiences because of we only emphasis on the theories, which are someone's inventions.We can't always use theory over reality.
For education to prepare children for meeting their life realistically, it should encourage them to learn from life itself and to view a body of knowledge that has been passed on unquestioned from one generation to the next.
Competition needs to be there and it is must, but not with the cost of stress to giving up if we fail to give our best and also, with that we need the education which will help us in every aspect of our life. So that we can only focus on our goals, focus on our aims, which only happens if we emphasise on practical or real education rather than the so called traditional or theoretical education. Which relates us to the real world.
Hence we need practical education not merely theoretical education.
Tune up, and follow my posts until we all reach out the desire of education.
Tune up, and follow my posts until we all reach out the desire of education.
Education For Life (EFL)
Education in India.
Hey, Guys..!!! greetings..!!!
Here comes my Logo..!!!
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Education for life logo |
I am here to announce about my upcoming Blog, where I will discuss our education system of India.I think we need a change, I mean we need to it, education requires a revolution. Till now I didn't feel that our present system taught us the education for life.Some of us fail in life's exam, examination for life; where we do get a do or a live situation, we really get frustrated of facing every day's new challenges and the competitions, it really sucks, it ruins our lives. But at the same time competitions and challenges are gives us motivations and encourages us to live a livelihood life.
But what if, we do get failed in such things?? we get frustrated, we lose self-confidence, we lose our interest to do things, and we start compromising at every step and keep on blaming our faith, people, circumstances etc, which are nowhere concerned and nothing to do with, and we start thinking to end up our life.
This is happening because of the tradition of our country, the education system, right from the beginning of our birth we need to start learning: learning is a good and a healthy habit but.. what if, it comes in a huge and a non-systematic approach??We have had quantity, not quality, we lack in quality of education, It really sucks, and it really is affecting our everyday life.
Let's discuss and let's join hands get the solution for the very important cause. A cause of education. Let us help each other to get Education For Life and education for living, which has to begin with my blog.
Let me clear you that education is not only getting graduated, not only getting good grades in academics, those all do not help us to survive for the reck of the life. We need to be educated with the whole and sole.
As the saying goes, be the change you want to see; that means we need to change our self through our own thoughts.My blog will offer you the direction for the people who feel that education should mean more than an acquisition of facts, more than intellectual exposure to a vast number of untested concepts, more than a pragmatic preparation for employment.
It would be an exalted call for change, based on our deep insight into the potentials of every one of us. We will discuss how to nurture creativity, wisdom and intuition in each child, and how to tap his/her unexplored capabilities.Hope you guys wait for my blog to be published and help me to grow that blog, I need your support.
Thank you in advance.
But what if, we do get failed in such things?? we get frustrated, we lose self-confidence, we lose our interest to do things, and we start compromising at every step and keep on blaming our faith, people, circumstances etc, which are nowhere concerned and nothing to do with, and we start thinking to end up our life.
This is happening because of the tradition of our country, the education system, right from the beginning of our birth we need to start learning: learning is a good and a healthy habit but.. what if, it comes in a huge and a non-systematic approach??We have had quantity, not quality, we lack in quality of education, It really sucks, and it really is affecting our everyday life.
Let's discuss and let's join hands get the solution for the very important cause. A cause of education. Let us help each other to get Education For Life and education for living, which has to begin with my blog.
Let me clear you that education is not only getting graduated, not only getting good grades in academics, those all do not help us to survive for the reck of the life. We need to be educated with the whole and sole.
As the saying goes, be the change you want to see; that means we need to change our self through our own thoughts.My blog will offer you the direction for the people who feel that education should mean more than an acquisition of facts, more than intellectual exposure to a vast number of untested concepts, more than a pragmatic preparation for employment.
It would be an exalted call for change, based on our deep insight into the potentials of every one of us. We will discuss how to nurture creativity, wisdom and intuition in each child, and how to tap his/her unexplored capabilities.Hope you guys wait for my blog to be published and help me to grow that blog, I need your support.
Thank you in advance.
Mother womb
My Mom is the Best
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My Mom is the Best |
Mom, Mother, Maa...!!! We call you by many names, but the meaning
is same, the creator of our life. She introduced us to the world and the world
to us.
In my views nothing is as
important as her. Some people realizes it later when we are not in a state to
change the past.
My mom is the best in fact everyone's mom is..!!!
She gives life at a risk of her
own life.
But she never complaints.
She struggles to raise us,
By taking challenges all over.
She want to give the best
qualities ever,
And expects us to be a good
She want us to be well educated,
but never compromises with the paychecks.
She will struggle to give
by sacrificing her own needs.
She want to give all the
without any expectations.
She is the goddess of purity.
She is the idle of prosperity.
She takes the pain of womb.
not thinking of a bane for tomb.
She is the world in itself.
Words cannot describe you
maa..love you.
In my views nothing is as important as her. Some people realizes it later when we are not in a state to change the past.
Anita Kadam, [The Blogger].