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Education For Life (EFL)

Education in India.

Hey, Guys..!!! greetings..!!!
Here comes my Logo..!!!
Education for life logo
I am here to announce about my upcoming Blog, where I will discuss our education system of India.I think we need a change, I mean we need to it, education requires a revolution. Till now I didn't feel that our present system taught us the education for life.Some of us fail in life's exam, examination for life; where we do get a do or a live situation, we really get frustrated of facing every day's new challenges and the competitions, it really sucks, it ruins our lives. But at the same time competitions and challenges are gives us motivations and encourages us to live a livelihood life.

But what if, we do get failed in such things?? we get frustrated, we lose self-confidence, we lose our interest to do things, and we start compromising at every step and keep on blaming our faith, people, circumstances etc, which are nowhere concerned and nothing to do with, and we start thinking to end up our life.

This is happening because of the tradition of our country, the education system, right from the beginning of our birth we need to start learning: learning is a good and a healthy habit but.. what if, it comes in a huge and a non-systematic approach??We have had quantity, not quality, we lack in quality of education, It really sucks, and it really is affecting our everyday life.

Let's discuss and let's join hands get the solution for the very important cause. A cause of education. Let us help each other to get Education For Life and education for living, which has to begin with my blog.

Let me clear you that education is not only getting graduated, not only getting good grades in academics, those all do not help us to survive for the reck of the life. We need to be educated with the whole and sole.

As the saying goes, be the change you want to see; that means we need to change our self through our own thoughts.My blog will offer you the direction for the people who feel that education should mean more than an acquisition of facts, more than intellectual exposure to a vast number of untested concepts, more than a pragmatic preparation for employment.

It would be an exalted call for change, based on our deep insight into the potentials of every one of us. We will discuss how to nurture creativity, wisdom and intuition in each child, and how to tap his/her unexplored capabilities.Hope you guys wait for my blog to be published and help me to grow that blog, I need your support.

Thank you in advance.                                                                                                                                                                                         

Mother womb

My Mom is the Best

My Mom is the Best

Mom, Mother, Maa...!!! We call you by many names, but the meaning is same, the creator of our life. She introduced us to the world and the world to us.

In my views nothing is as important as her. Some people realizes it later when we are not in a state to change the past.

My mom is the best in fact everyone's mom is..!!!

She gives life at a risk of her own life.
But she never complaints.

She struggles to raise us,
By taking challenges all over.

She want to give the best qualities ever,
And expects us to be a good person.

She want us to be well educated,
but never compromises with the paychecks.

She will struggle to give luxuries,
by sacrificing her own needs.

She want to give all the happiness,
without any expectations.

She is the goddess of purity.
She is the idle of prosperity.

She takes the pain of womb.
not thinking of a bane for tomb.

She is the world in itself.
Words cannot describe you maa..love you.

                                                   - Anita Kadam, [The Blogger].

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